Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another Fresh Start

It's time for another fresh start on the ol' blog. I had a few pieces up but decided I need to revamp the blog and start updating regularly on the pieces I've been working on. This blog will stick to traditional art and as I find my files, I'll add my 3D work to another. Lets get it started right. Here are a few quick sketches that I put into Photoshop for some practice with painting. Only a couple hours were spent on these but I'm happy with what I learned from these sketches.

20 minute pose.

My friend Ian playing guitar. This was the first of the quick sketch to painting studies I did. I need to work on how I lay down my marks and refining detail.

I had a short lived obsession with vampires when I drew this small sketch at the very bottom of my sketchbook. It looked better the more I worked on it so I just stuck with it. I really like the way the colors turned out in the painting. The poses are a bit akward which makes the anatomy look worse but it was still really fun to work on.

The ORIGINAL version of this girl I drew way back in high school and used for my portfolio for school. A friend of mine thought it was cool and considered getting it tattooed. Inspired by this, I decided to do another drawing of her with more flow through her head-tail and put her in a much more interesting pose. Once again I'm happy with the colors in the painting and the whole composition overall. This could be refined even more, adding texture to her skin and fixing how the light falls on certain parts of her body, but then again, I could be working on these quick sketches forever. It makes you ask yourself one simple question: Have You Ever Danced With Yourself?